EXAIR Super Air Knife Helps Bakery Protect Sheet Pan Coating

EXAIR Super Air Knife Helps Bakery Protect Sheet Pan Coating

A bakery had a process where they cleaned baking sheets after they made cakes, breads, and donuts.  The system consisted of scraping the pans with brushes prior to running them through a washing system.   The excess crust material had to be removed as it could cause problems with the washing machine.  The baking sheets had…

Vortex Tube Cold Fraction and how it Affects Flow and Temperature Control

Vortex Tube Cold Fraction and how it Affects Flow and Temperature Control

Vortex Tubes are the perfect solution when dealing with a variety of spot cooling applications. They use compressed air to produce a cold air stream and a hot air stream, with temperatures ranging from as low as -50°F  up to +260°F (based on ambient supply temperature) and providing as much as 10,200 Btu/hr. of cooling capacity. By simply…

EXAIR’s Super Air Knife Eliminates Problem of Fused Packages

EXAIR’s Super Air Knife Eliminates Problem of Fused Packages

The EXAIR Super Air Knife – high force with precision flow An Argentine food manufacturer recently reached out to our distributor in Buenos Aires (AYRFUL) to discuss a potential application for EXAIR products.  The need became clear when a packaging line for soon-to-be-frozen food began experiencing problems with excessive water on the surface of the…

EXAIR’s External Mix Atomizing Spray Nozzles For High Flow Rates and Liquids Over 300 cP

EXAIR’s External Mix Atomizing Spray Nozzles For High Flow Rates and Liquids Over 300 cP

EXAIR’s Air Atomizing Spray Nozzles are used to atomize fluids in a wide range of different spray patterns. They utilize a small amount of compressed air which mixes with the liquid supply to create a fine mist of atomized liquid. EXAIR manufactures Air Atomizing Spray Nozzles in (3) different varieties: Internal Mix, External Mix, and…

EXAIR Super Air Knives Offer Efficiency, Quiet Operation, Safety Compliance – and Free Stuff!

EXAIR Super Air Knives Offer Efficiency, Quiet Operation, Safety Compliance – and Free Stuff!

EXAIR’s Super Air Knives are, size for size, the most efficient and quietest compressed air blowing products on the market today, bar none. The laminar flow of these engineered compressed air products produces a stripping/sweeping action, which is particularly well suited for cleaning, drying, and blowoff applications. Quiet, hard hitting curtain of air, ideal for…