EXAIR’s External Mix Atomizing Spray Nozzles For High Flow Rates and Liquids Over 300 cP

EXAIR’s Air Atomizing Spray Nozzles are used to atomize fluids in a wide range of different spray patterns. They utilize a small amount of compressed air which mixes with the liquid supply to create a fine mist of atomized liquid. EXAIR manufactures Air Atomizing Spray Nozzles in (3) different varieties: Internal Mix, External Mix, and Siphon Fed. Siphon nozzles are applicable for processes where the liquid cannot be pressurized, possessing the ability to siphon liquids up to 36″ or be gravity fed. Internal Mix nozzles produce the finest atomization and are ideal for liquids with a viscosity below 300 cP. For this blog, I’m going to focus on just the External Mix variety.

On all External Mix Atomizing Nozzles the volume of liquid is easily adjusted through the valve stem on the standard Atomizing Nozzle, or by regulating the liquid pressure (the only option with the No-Drip style). Increasing the liquid pressure will result in an increased liquid flow rate. The External Mix nozzles have the highest flow rates and can be used with liquids with a viscosity greater than 300 cP. Since the air and liquid are mixing just outside the nozzle, thicker liquids have a lesser chance of clogging in the nozzle. Both the liquid stream and the air stream will come into contact with each other just outside both the air and liquid caps. The compressed air breaks the liquid up into very small particles, allowing you to use much less liquid than a liquid only nozzle.

This makes them very effective in applications that utilize expensive paints, oils, or other liquids. Rather than wasting the expensive materials, the nozzle can be set to precisely dispense only what is necessary to achieve a successful application. The External Mix Atomizing Nozzle is available in the standard configuration as well as the No-Drip style. The No-Drip Atomizing Nozzle is used in a variety of applications where any liquid dripping from the nozzle after the air supply has shut off would cause a problem. This is common in painting applications where any paint dripping would affect the quality.

The External Mix Atomizing Nozzle is available in (3) different sizes: 1/8” NPT, ¼” NPT, and ½” NPT. If your application could benefit from utilizing a fine atomized spray of liquid look no further than EXAIR’s Air Atomizing Nozzles. With all sizes and configurations available from stock, we can get one out to you quickly!  

Tyler Daniel, CCASS

Application Engineer

E-mail: TylerDaniel@EXAIR.com

Twitter: @EXAIR_TD

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