Supply Chain Disruption | Global Certified Fasteners

Global Certified Fasteners Has What You Need Amid The Fastener Supply Chain Disruption

Almost two years into the global pandemic, many fastener companies throughout the United States continue to face supply challenges. Global shipping delays that began during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic have persisted, even worsening in some areas due to parked shipping containers, closed factories and a lack of truck drivers. Like many industries, the industrial fastener industry is not immune to these global supply chain disruptions, causing concern for many distributors. Global Certified Fasteners, located in northeast Illinois, has fared pretty well throughout this disruption, continuing to house a hearty inventory of industrial fasteners available for domestic shipping today. 

The Importance of a Healthy Supply Chain

Benjamin Franklin, when commenting on how we as an industrialized country could only be as strong as our weakest link, said, “For want of a nail, the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe, the horse was lost. For want of a horse, the rider was lost. For want of a rider, the battle was lost. For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost, And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.” 

Clearly he knew even then that fasteners and other “small” items in the manufacturing process are key to the smooth operation of a variety of operations. The supply chain disruptions in the industrial fastener realm have impacted product availability and lead to increased costs for many distributors in the U.S. The backlogs and high demands have caused increased frustration for customers. Communicating availability of products is key so consumers know where to go during this trying time. To inquire about available product in our inventory, email today. 

Increasing Demand for Fasteners

Domestic demand for industrial fasteners is expected to increase to $16.5 billion by 2023, and global demand is projected to reach $140 billion. Clearly, it’s critical that fulfilling this demand is a priority. Experts recommend purchasing inventory now before costs escalate further by finding a reliable supplier you can trust. 

Global Certified Fasteners has a large inventory of fasteners in stock now, including screws, nuts, bolts, rivets, washers and more. Our team is available to fulfill orders now. Rather than waiting to see how this supply chain straightens out, call the fastener professionals at GCF to place your fastener order today at (708) 450-9301. 

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