10 Minutes With Michael Petrie, Our COO | Global Certified Fasteners

Global Certified Fasteners, located in Maywood, Illinois, has been providing value-added fastener solutions to OEMs and distributors for more than 50 years. Join us as we get to know Michael Petrie, Global Certified’s Chief Operating Officer. 

How did you end up in this industry? Detail your path to Global Certified Fasteners, what you do here, and how long you’ve been with GCF.

Like most, I was searching for a career that not only fit but fit me. I explored different industries in my early career path that helped me develop a unique skill set and helped me identify what I was and was not passionate about. One thing seemed to resonate no matter what I did–I like people, and people seem to respond well to me. Being honest and straightforward while making things fun seems to go a long way. Creatively adapting and overcoming problems as they arise is beneficial as well. So that being said, sales and distribution ended up being a good fit for me. Providing products to people who need them is straightforward on paper but rarely in reality. I’ve been with GCF for almost 13 years.

What things do you like most about the fastener industry?

I enjoy working with my customers on new projects and being involved in the recommendation or engineering of the fasteners. Helping them find or make a fastener that improves or streamlines their product is exciting. There isn’t a better feeling than when a project I helped create is up and running smoothly.

What surprises you most about the industry?

One of the biggest surprises was the tariffs imposed by the Trump administration on imported products. It is still ongoing, but it has taken a lot of strength by both our customers and us to continue to evolve.

What are the biggest challenges you’ve encountered in the last couple of years (since the pandemic began)?

As I mentioned, the tariff issue is ongoing. In addition, we are currently seeing global shipping costs multiply by about five times. That compounded by space and labor shortages has created massive logistical delays.

Tell us about some of the most interesting orders you’ve seen at GCF. Any unique markets/industries/clients you’ve worked with you can highlight for us?

I’m currently supplying fasteners that are used in Tesla automobiles. It’s been challenging and exciting to be part of such a revolutionary industry.

Where do you see the fastener industry going in the next 5-10 years?

Like most things, the industry will continue to evolve and adapt. It will be interesting to see how the implementation of AI affects the industry.

Do you participate in any fastener-industry organizations or panels? What affiliations do you have on your resume? What benefits do you see from these connections?

GCF is a proud member of the Midwest Fastener Association (MWFA). We’ve enjoyed many networking and educational events over the years. New products and processes are constantly emerging. Having strong communication with other industry members always helps us learn and adapt.

What would you most like people to know about Global Certified Fasteners and/or the people who work there?

We rely on honesty, passion, reliability, and putting the work in to ensure things are handled well. Something I learned here and is practiced is that the more we know, the better job we can do. We pass that same accountability on to our customers, and they notice. Lastly, having a solution to a problem before it’s ever presented to the customer is essential.

For all of your fastener needs, reach out to sales@gcfasteners.com, or call Global Certified Fasteners at (708) 450-9301.

Fasteners, Informational, Manufacturer, Uncategorized

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