Exide Battery Technology – SEMA/AAPEX 2012

Exide Battery Technology

Exide Battery Technology – SEMA/AAPEX 2012

We stopped at the Exide Battery booth at the urging of a very persistent PR agent. It’s true what they say – persistence pays off, because you’re about to see what we saw. And that was his job – to get us there. Kudos.

What we learned was that, apparently there are now batteries designed specifically for “Him” and for “Her”. I truly had no idea. I mean, I took Auto Shop in high school and learned me a bunch of stuff, but not that 🙂

Seriously, battery technology is changing at a rapid pace, not only in the tool world, but in the automotive industry, as well. Power sources are the driving force behind cars, trucks, and cordless drills. While we had hoped to learn some of the inside scoop about what made their batteries ‘tick’ and why they were a better choice, we left with a quizzical look.

One thing is for sure – those batteries sure do sparkle!

Take a look at our video preview of the Exide Vortex Battery below and let us know what you think.

Exide Battery Technology – SEMA/AAPEX 2012


For more information: Exide Technology Site

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