3 Ways to Make Your Steel Brushes Perform Better

Steel wire brushes are a popular and convenient tool for
every metal fabrication hobbyist. Not only do they effectively separate surface
contaminants without jeopardizing base material, they can be used in a variety
of applications, including surface preparation, surface finishing, deburring,
rust elimination, weld cleaning, and more.

Now, if you want your steel wire brushes to stand the test
of time while performing at their best, it is necessary for you to use them
properly and keep them in good condition. One well-known method for maintaining
the quality of steel wire brushes is to periodically reverse the direction of
the rotation in order to promote a self-sharpening action. Another is to always
use the highest speed level while applying as little pressure as possible,
which promotes quicker brushing action and longer life.

How to Get the Most From Your Steel Wire Brushes:

>> Choose a Quality Material

The first step to maintaining the quality and performance of
your steel wire brushes is to use ones that have filaments made from
high-quality material. Stainless steel is a common go-to brush material, but
carbon steel is a smarter choice as it performs better in terms of cutting
action and fatigue resistance. Heat-treated high-tensile or oil-tempered steel
is widely recommended. This is especially important for industrial

>> Use the Proper Wire Brush

In addition to choosing quality brands and materials, it is
important to match the right type of brush with the proper applications. There
are many things you can do with your steel wire brushes, so be sure you know
what their best or intended uses are. For general purpose applications, it is
common to use crimped-style wire brushes. Heavier-duty applications, such as
welding, may be better suited for knot-wire brushes.

>> Clean Your Brushes Often

A commonly overlooked necessity for steel wire brush care is
routine cleaning. Many people forget that their wire brushes require a periodic
dusting, cleansing, and sanitizing, from time to time. Cleaning your wire
brushes will maximize their condition and overall performance. Furthermore, you
want to avoid cross-contamination. For instance, do not use a stainless steel
brush on stainless steel after you use it on carbon steel; otherwise,
after-rust can appear.

Where to Find Quality Abrasives

Call Sandpaper America at 1-800-860-7263 (SAND) to buy
high-quality, economically-priced sandpaper and sanding products in Indiana. We
manufacture our abrasives in-house, so you can be sure that your products are
high quality. Call 1-800-860-7263 to place an over-the-phone order, or go
online and buy directly from our website! We offer custom orders, bulk orders,
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